
ASTM D5450 Test Fixture

ASTM D5450  – This test method determines the transverse tensile properties of wound polymer matrix composites reinforced by high-modulus continuous fibers.

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ASTM D5450 – Standard Test Method for Transverse Tensile Properties of Hoop Wound Polymer Matrix Composite Cylinders


Transverse Tensile Properties of Hoop Wound Polymer Matrix Composite Cylinders

ASTM D5450  – This test method determines the transverse tensile properties of wound polymer matrix composites reinforced by high-modulus continuous fibers.

It describes testing of hoop wound (90°) cylinders in axial tension for determination of transverse tensile properties.

The technical content of this standard has been stable since 1993 without significant objection from its stakeholders.

As there is limited technical support for the maintenance of this standard, changes since that date have been limited to items required to retain consistency

with other ASTM D30 Committee standards, including editorial changes and incorporation of updated guidance on specimen preconditioning and environmental


The standard, therefore, should not be considered to include any significant changes in approach and practice since 1993.

*** Future maintenance of the standard will only be in response to specific requests and performed only as technical support allows.

*** Before conducting ASTM D5450, it is important to read the entire specification in the relevant ASTM  publication.